Porcelain Veneers
Dental crowns and dental veneersFor the aesthetic dental crowns, we use zirconium crowns. They are made with ceramic biocompatible materials that can be safely used in the mouth. Since zirconium crowns are highly transparent, they can be stained to completely match adjacent teeth. This allows us to create completely natural, balanced and sthetic tooth. Due to the complete clear color of zirconium crowns, the black shadow seen in metal-ceramic crowns at the gingival margin due to recesion is avoided.
The technology of dental cad cam allows for the fabrication of zirconium prosthetics where the prosthetic preparations are scanned, processed and made by a computerized mechanical process.
According to the necessity of the cases two systems of cad-cam Used in the clinic are:
- Sirona® of german technology (www.sirona.com)
- Phibo® of spanish technology (www.phibo.com)
Porcelain veneers are restorations that cover the front part of a tooth in order to change its shape or color. It is typically used in the front part of the mouth in order to create an aestheticically perfect smile. Porcelain veneers are personalized treatments which are created specifically for each patient by prosthetic laboratories. The human and artistic factor is key to achieve a natural smile, for these reasons we colaborate with prestigious and experienced lab prosthodontic technicians.